Seven Billion People Working Together - The Earth 2.0 Alliance
Earth2.0 is a vision of our world with all of us working together. We believe many hands can make even the biggest problems solvable. We see this happening now and our mission is to foster and innovate to help every citizen share their story and contribute to Earth2.0.
a knowledge sharing platform based on micropublications.
CoRESPOND immediately connects people in need of quick solutions for emerging COVID-19 problems with a network of researchers, engineers, students, medical experts, community, and industry members poised to respond to these problems.
Many times, the best option for a sick patient is to manage their disease at home. Staying home with access to a support system gives them a better environment to recover and helps to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Vaccines – 10 to 100 Ten Days to Vaccinate Everyone. What if people competed for good?
The Business Safety Outreach Project is a group of students, staff, faculty and volunteers who are helping small businesses interpret the new recommendations and requirements to open safely during the COVID-19 pandemic.